NOTE: With Chrome on MacOS it seems to lag for some reason. Works just fine with Firefox. On Linux both seem to be fine. Not sure how it is on Windows, as I don't have one to test with.

This is my entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2024. The topic was Built to Scale and my interpretation for scale was the Music Scale.

Your goal is to collect as many coins as possible, while avoiding the falling obstacles.


This game was developed with my own personal toy game engine called Lacking, written in Go (GoLang) and compiled to WebAssembly. As the name suggests, the engine lacks a lot of features but it was fun to challenge myself to do something with what is available.

Things I could have improved if I had more time was balancing and layout of the coins and obstacles. As well as adding sound/visual effects when picking a coin or hitting an obstacle.



- 2D/3D/UI - done by me
- Skybox - used an image from HDRI Haven
- Music - Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (shortened) (note sheet from IMSLP)
- Animations - used Mixamo

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